CASE Vision Desired State

CASE-Bharat's vision is to act as a catalyst to enable India to massively scale Sustainable Energy Initiatives (SEI) that harnesses its rich resources and transitions India into a global leader in clean, economical & self-reliant energy. We intend to strike a balance in India's quest to provide reliable power to all of its billion people and a risk to rely heavily on fossil fuel resources that not only pose exponentially escalating energy security risks but also lead to devastating environmental impacts.

History has shown us time and time again that breakthrough transitions occur only if we dare to shed our conventional thinking and step outside the box. Conventional thinking points out that India’s lack of energy infrastructure poses a gigantic problem, and to many, it may almost seem insurmountable. However, the very lack of traditional energy infrastructure may give India an unfair advantage over other major economies to break away from the mold and create a new path to clean, economical & self-reliant energy. The stakes are exponentially higher & urgent for energy transition; our very next generation’s future depends on it. We will strive to bring market participants, policy makers and capital providers on the same platform to expedite this transition.

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